
Showing posts from 2015

Ice Thickness Safety and Fun on the Ice

Ice Thickness Safety In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast we're talking about how  to safe this winter fishing, skating and skiing on frozen lakes and ponds. On Today’s show you’ll discover... ... how to tell if the ice you’re about to go out on is safe; ... what to do if you or someone in your party falls through; ... and how to have a safe and fun time out on the ice this winter. call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Become an Outside Health and Fitness Fan, support the show and get exclusive rewards! Subscribe to Outside Health and Fitness iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Options Winter Fun on Lakes and Ponds When the conditions are right many of the frozen lakes around here look like little cities with clusters of ice houses, cars and tons of different activities happening right out on the ice.  It’s a carnival type of atmosphere and it can be a lot of fun but there are dang...

RaceLens Affordable Race Photos by Your Fans

Affordable Race Photos In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Greg Tuballes from RaceLens. RaceLens is a really cool service that provides affordable photos by including the crowd of spectators to be your unofficial photographers for the event! On Today’s show you’ll discover… …how Racelens provides affordable photos to race participants; …gives spectators an opportunity to become part of the event; … and provides a unique crowd-sourced platform that’s a win – win for everybody involved! call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Become an Outside Health and Fitness Fan, support the show and get exclusive rewards! Subscribe to Outside Health and Fitness iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Options What is RaceLens? [2:56] The Platform Racelens is a  platform that allows for spectators or freelance photographers to take pictures of the event and upload them t...

7 Ways to Have Summer Fun in the Winter

Summer Fun in the Winter In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I share seven fun summer activities you can do even in the winter! On Today’s show you’ll discover… …how to put some summer fun back in your winter life; …how getting outdoors for fun activities can help you beat the winter blues, …why many of the things you love to do in the summer are even better when you do them in the winter! call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Support Outside Health and Fitness Cabin Fever When winter sets in it’s easy to “hunker down” and stay inside…and sometimes that’s smart but do that too much and it can lead to cabin fever. Cabin fever is a depressing sort of feeling and a reaction to being isolated in a small space, with nothing to do for an extended period of time. What are the symptoms? Well you become irritable, you sleep a lot, you start distrusting people and ...

Disc Golf It’s Amazing and You Should Try It

You Should Try Disc Golf In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with John Groen from Disc Golf From a Coasties Perspective about the game of Disc Golf. On Today’s show you’ll discover... easy it is to get started; for equipment, skills, courses and, ...why disc golf is one of the fastest growing recreational sports in the US! call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Support Outside Health and Fitness Disc Golf, It’s Amazing! Disc golf is a game played using the same general set of rules as traditional golf. Your mission is to complete an 18 hole course in the fewest strokes (or throws) possible. In disc golf, discs and elevated metal baskets are used in place of the clubs,balls and holes used in traditional golf. Courses can be wide open like traditional golf course or more wooded with trees and other terrain making the path to the basket even more challenging. It’s estimated that between 8-12 million people have pla...

How Selecting the Right Rewards Won't Leave you Feeling Guilty

Setting goals and milestones are a perfect way to stay motivated when it comes to fitness. They can help you gauge your progress and plot the path to your ultimate goal. They're also opportunities for celebration. Each new milestone represents another step closer. Add a reward at those milestones and you can increase your motivation. However, you need to be careful because the wrong reward can leave you feeling guilty and can end up working against you. When deciding on a reward it's important to select something appropriate and in-line with your objective. For example, a weekend in Vegas would not be a great reward for someone who's working to beat a gambling problem. So why do so many people select food as a reward for achieving weight loss goals? How many times have we heard someone say they're going out for a big dinner to celebrate their weight loss? Why is it so common to use food as a reward? Moods and Foods For many, this idea of food as a reward goes all the wa...

9 Unusual Camping Tips

9 Unusual Camping Tips In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I share 9 camping tips you’ll want to try on your next trip. On Today’s show you’ll discover… …clever ways to get a fire going; …how to bring more with you, while lightening your load; …great ideas for eating better, sleeping better and having more fun on your next camping trip. call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Support Outside Health and Fitness Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Camping Tips Make a Swedish Torch take a good sized log, 2 or 3 feet long, with nice flat ends and with a chainsaw cut an X in the top and part of the way down. stand the log up with the X on the top, set your tinder and kindling in the X and light it Use a Pencil Sharpener to make Tinder Find a few pencil sized twigs’ Sharpen them and use the shavings you make for tinder.  Use Doritos or Toilet Paper Roll ...

How To Rediscover Outdoor Fun at Any Age

Outdoor Fun In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Melissa Dymock about her new book Sliding in the Snow, Winter Activities for Kids and I find out that the book isn’t just for kids… On Today’s show you’ll discover… …you can reconnect with the fun you had outdoors as a kid, …how embracing new experiences and learning new ways to be active can be good for your soul; …and a fun way to launch a snowball using an old pair of jeans….. call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Support The Show & Get Rewards! Sliding in the Snow About Melissa Dymock Melissa is from Utah, which she has decided is the outdoor capital of the world. In the summer, she enjoys hiking, biking, camping, competing in triathlons, horseback riding, and whatever else sounds fun. In the winter, she loves to ski.  She also is the author of Sliding...

Holiday Fitness, How to Survive The Perfect Storm

Maintaining Your Holiday Fitness In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I welcome Kathy Kaehler back to the show to share strategies for maintaining your fitness during the hectic holiday season. On Today’s show you’ll discover... ... a fantastic way to get the most bang for your holiday fitness buck this year; to make sure that your fitness plan is well balanced; ... how in just a couple of days a week you can stay fit, strong and burn calories right through the holidays. call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Holiday Fitness About Kathy Kaehler Fitness Hall of Famer and nationally-recognized healthy living spokesperson Kathy Kaehler is America’s go-to resource for the best in knowledge, products and programs, captivating audiences across the country with her exceptional combination of unparalleled knowledge and real-world experience. For more than two decades Kathy has been a trusted expert in the nati...

Fly Fishing Simplified

Fly Fishing Simplified In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcastI welcome Steve Plut to the show. Steve runs the website Fly Fishing Simplified and he's on a mission to help others discover the joy of fly fishing. He also shares how fly fishing doesn't have to be complicated. If you've ever thought about trying it or want some inspiration to pick it up again you'll want to listen to today's show. On Today’s show you’ll discover... ... why fly fishing is a fun way to unwind and be present in nature;    ... how fly fishing is a great motivator to stay fit and active; ...  how catching a fish on the fly is something anyone can learn and have fun with....but a word of caution....if you try might get hooked! call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Fly Fishing About Steve Plut Steve Plut runs the website Fly Fishing Simplified. He is a Fly Fisherman, bow hunter,...

Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle with Essential Vitamins

Essential Vitamins, A Healthy Lifestyle Vitamins are among the most vital nutrients needed in the body. Vitamins come in different categories, but not all of them are overly vital in the body. A balanced diet must contain a good supply of protein, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. What are vitamins? A set of substances and compounds that are needed for appropriate cell growth, function and development. They play a huge role in the body, which is why they are necessary. There are thirteen essential vitamins must be provided in the body for proper functioning. They are called essential because of the fact that your body is unable to create them in sufficient quantities and must get them from external sources. Categories of vitamins The essential vitamins are grouped into two categories; • Fat-soluble vitamins. These are stored in the fatty tissues of the body. There are four types of fat-soluble vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. • Water-soluble vitamins. Water-sol...

How to Stay Safe on the Trail

Trail Safety Tips In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Ben Maynard from Ben on Adventures about how to stay safe when you're out on the trail. On Today’s show you’ll discover... ... what to do if you get lost in the backcountry; ... the rule of threes ... and some of the essential items you’ll want to have with you to stay safe on the trail. call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes   About Ben Maynard Ben Maynard is an outdoor enthusiast who loves  adventure, backpacking, travel and anything similar to that! He runs the BenOnAdventure blog to share his experiences and spread the word about how amazing, wonderful and life changing an adventure can be.  He fell in love with the outdoors when he was very young exploring the woods behind his family home and that has grown into a passion for adventure and his dream of an epic adventure on the AT. When...

Scary Fitness Mistakes

Fitness Mistakes In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast we talk about common fitness mistakes with scary consequences. On Today’s show you’ll discover... ... some of the most common fitness mistakes (some you might even be making) and the scary consequences that can result from these simple errors; ... and you'll  hear from guest experts on the best ways to avoid these mistakes so you get the most from your next workout, or outside adventure. call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Common Fitness Mistakes Fitness Mistake #1 Static Stretching Cold Muscles Static stretching cold muscles Can lead to torn and tight muscles. Better to warm-up with dynamic movements and stretch once your muscles are warm. Fitness Mistake #2 Skipping Your Warm Up Skipping a warm-up before lifting weights for example, can result in torn muscles and with cardiovascular exercise, could raise ...

Product Review: PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter

Powdered Peanut Butter I didn’t enjoy peanut butter until I was in college. One day I happened to try some my mother always kept in the “random stuff” cupboard, and I enjoyed it. In fact I enjoyed an entire jar at one time—on multiple occasions. Where was this creamy delicacy all my life? Then what happened next was inevitable: I had to cut myself off from peanut butter. I was out of control. Years passed after my ill-fated love affair with peanut butter. Suddenly it’s 2015, and I’m changing my diet to make healthy lifestyle changes. Peanut butter is often listed as an ingredient in healthy snacks but I could never bring myself to buy it. I knew what may happen. As much as it’s a healthy option, my lack of self-control would be an issue. I told a friend of mine about my dilemma, and she recommended trying Bell Plantation’s PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter . Now when she said powdered, I was pretty much disgusted. It just sounded gross. I remembered my mother bought a jar of it a few years ag...

Keep Your Local Hiking Trails Open

Keep Local Hiking Trails Open In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I share some ideas for fostering a good relationship with landowners and maintaining access to trails and wild places. On Today’s show you’ll discover... ...simple ways you can help maintain access to the trails and wild places you love; ... how to help pass on good trail habits to kids and friends who are new to outdoor adventure; ... simple ways to share the trail and enjoy your next wilderness adventure call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Maintaining Access to Trails As an outdoor athlete and adventurer you count on having trails and access to wild places but this access isn’t a right it’s a privilege. It’s something many landowners graciously provide and something that can be taken away or restricted as well. Why do Landowners Close Trails? You know trails can be closed for many reasons ...

Top Athletes Adopt Vegan Diets with Incredible Results

Vegan Athletes  Prove the Value of Eliminating Animal Products Many cultures have thrived on vegan diets for millennia, and those for whom veganism is a personal, ethical, or political choice more often than not benefit from improved health in comparison to people who consume animal products. Despite this, many people—including the medical and athletic communities—have been slow to catch on. Concerns about the lesser quality of plant proteins, and adequate intake of B vitamins, have led athletes in particular to avoid choosing a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. That's all changing now: top athletes are adopting vegan diets, with incredible results. Thanks to these successful celebrity athletes, the public is starting to think differently about veganism Murray Rose, Olympian swimmer and holder of four gold medals Carl Lewis, Olympian sprinter, holder of four gold medals and a World Championship win, considers his best year of track competition the year in which he adopted a ve...

How to Beat a Fitness Slump

Beat a Fitness Slump In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I share some ideas for getting past a fitness slump and back on track with your goals. On Today’s show you’ll discover.. ... why fitness slumps happen so you can take steps to avoid them, ... 7 creative ideas for beating a fitness slump, ... and how to get back on track to making the progress you want! call the show: 207-370-9797 email: Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes The Battle between Fitness Guy and Coach Potato Man Take A Break  Change it Up  Focus on one Thing Spend Less Time Working Out  Look Back on Recent Success Stay Positive  Get Inspired Success Stories Arthur's Video  A lot of times a slump signals you need to make a change. A change in your surroundings, behaviors or thinking. Knowing how slumps happen and then what you can do to pull yourself out can give you a sense of control th...