How To Rediscover Outdoor Fun at Any Age
Outdoor Fun
In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Melissa Dymock about her new book Sliding in the Snow, Winter Activities for Kids and I find out that the book isn’t just for kids…
On Today’s show you’ll discover…
- …you can reconnect with the fun you had outdoors as a kid,
- …how embracing new experiences and learning new ways to be active can be good for your soul;
- …and a fun way to launch a snowball using an old pair of jeans…..
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Sliding in the Snow
About Melissa Dymock
Melissa is from Utah, which she has decided is the outdoor capital of the world. In the summer, she enjoys hiking, biking, camping, competing in triathlons, horseback riding, and whatever else sounds fun. In the winter, she loves to ski. She also is the author of Sliding in the Snow: Winter Activities for Kids.
You can find her on Weekend Woman Warrior on-line where she is exploring the outdoors one adventure at a time.
Where did this passion for the outdoors come from?
Family camping trips and just being exposed to the outdoors early in life.
Is the book for kids?
Well, kids and adults. It’s for anyone who wants to stay active and fun in the winter.
Why are kids staying inside during the winter months?
A lot of times it’s the parents that influence them. The book has activities that encourage both kids and parents to rediscover how magical it is to play outside in the winter.
What else is in the book?
Melissa has included some really interesting things in her book. Some skiing history, where di hockey come from and other fun bits of information and facts.
What is a favorite adventure you’ve had?
Spending the day skiing with my nephew. The day was spent skiing the way a ten year old does, skiing around trees, taking jumps, bumps and playing follow the leader. It was a fun day and exciting to approach the day like a 10 year old.
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