How to Have Amazing Adventures on the Water
Adventures on the Water
In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Lia Ditton about her amazing adventures on the water as a professional adventurer and seafaring athlete.
On Today’s show you’ll …
- …hear amazing stories about Lia’s adventures on the high seas
- …discover that there are many possibilities out there waiting for you, adventures to have where money and time don’t have to hold you back.
call the show: 207-370-9797
About Lia Ditton
Photo by Guy Bell, 07771 786236,
Lia Ditton is a writer, artist, athlete, and professional adventurer passionate about sharing her extraordinary experiences at sea. She has sailed the equivalent of 4 laps around the globe, including three Atlantic crossings single-handed, she’s raced, set records, rowed and written about her adventures and she has amazing stories to share.
Lia started sailing with her parents at a young age. Now 33, she has more than 100,000 nautical miles of experience – the equivalent of 4 laps of the globe – and has competed at a high level in some of the world’s most challenging ocean races.
In addition to being a sailor and an artist, Lia is a regular contributor to yachting and sports magazines internationally. In 2012, Lia took her writing to the next level by completing a Masters degree in Professional Writing at Falmouth University in the UK. In January 2013 Lia was commissioned to write a coffee-table book for Bloomsbury called “50 Water Adventures To Do Before You Die.”
[I’m in New Zealand at the moment to look at a boat I’ll be delivering for a charity called Ocean’s Watch. They are on a mission to help the people of Vanuatu after a cyclone ran over the island recently.
If we are lucky it will take about 10 days to deliver the boat.
Life as a Professional Adventurer
[What brought you to the life that you’re living now?
It started with a passion for sculpture and working with my hands. That passion led me to India in 1999. After getting sick in India, I traveled to Thailand to recuperate. While there I stumbled on a yacht race where they were looking for helpers. After the race there were yachtsmen looking for crew to help take their boats back to Australia, Cape Town, New Zealand and Europe and I was 21 years old and thought “Wow what an adventure!”
[You are an artist as well?
For awhile I was a professional yacht racer. Eventually, I decided it was time I merged my two passions and made performance artwork out of using a boat. I went back to art school and said I want to finish my degree by sailing across the Atlantic. I wanted to explore the nature of absolute solitude. What is it like to be completely and utterly alone?
I was instructed to write articles of reflection, to write about my experiences but not to write about the sailing. It was ingenious because I was writing about those things people can relate to. Everyone knows what it is like to be cold, wet and lonely.
[You actually crossed the Atlantic alone?
I did. I entered a race called the Ostar. The race goes from Plymouth, England to Newport, Rhode Island in the USA. It took 29 days on a very small boat. The boat was only 35 feet long and the cabin was about the size of a sofa. It was extremely small and very wet. It felt like living underwater for a month.
[What sort of training did you do?
Mostly I had to rebuild the boat. In terms of sailing on the water and fitness there was no training.
[What about mental preparation?
I didn’t really know what I was going to be facing but I really wanted to do it. I had a strong, burning desire and I had to go through many hurdles to make it happen. It was the desire to do it that got me mentally across.
[How many people were in the race?
I was the youngest and only woman to finish the race. There were 40 or 50 boats that entered the race and only 19 got to the other side. There was a big storm in the middle and that divided the fleet. To finish my degree I reanacted the experience on my boat in central London.
[What was it like to be all alone in a 35 foot boat in a big storm on the Atlantic?
It was scary but there really wasn’t much I could do about it. All the sails were down, I was in my survival suit and had my rescue beacon in my pocket. I had experience on another boat where we had gone through a hurricane so I was aware it could be worse. It was May so I arrived in mid-June.
50 Water Adventures To Do Before You Die
[You have a new book coming out.
For example, I found a company that will allow you to row your own gondola in Venice. I also found a Kayak adventure in British Columbia where you can go camping. There are also a few adventures like White Water Rafting where there are so many options available. I wanted things that were different and not something you would find in every other guide book.
[The one that stood out to me was swimming from Alcatraz to San Fransico, that one sounded quite adventurous.
Yes, there are sharks in that water, it cold and there is a pretty strong current in the area. It’s a very challenging but popular event. It only takes about an hour and a half.
[When you were out rowing solo you must have seen some amazing wildlife.
Yes, I feel very fortunate to have been so close to some of the goliaths of the sea. I’ve seen birds, fish and even had whales, larger than the boat I was on, surface right near where I was standing.
[What can people experience from planning a vacation around one of the adventures in your book?
The book is designed for every budget and every time span that you have available. I’ve done many of the adventures in the book such as pack rafting. You hike into the wilderness and then inflate the boat and paddle back down the river. There are amazing adventures in the book, something for everyone.
[I love that you can have an adventure with very little money. Even scrambling over the rocks at the beach is an adventure in it’s own right.
[How can we get the book?
Book Depository – FREE shipping Worldwide!
An eBook version is available through my affiliate link on KOBO Books.
Follow Lia On-Line
[How do we follow you on-line?
I’m also going to be in the states soon on the west coast for some book signing.
] If people try some of the adventures in the book I would really like to hear about it. In fact, I’m working on a second companion book which is to be called ” 50 Water Adventures Not To Do or Else You’ll Die” I’d love to build a community around these ideas.Sassy Girl Exercise Tune – Up
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Putting too much pressure on your lower back is one of the biggest mistakes you see at the gym. Tips to use proper form and get more from your squat lift:
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