Helps To Make Weight Loss on Your Own More Effective

Increase Your Fiber Intake
Counting calories is not the only thing you should pay attention to in a new diet. You will also need to increase your fiber intake. Foods that are high in fiber are usually low in calories and you will naturally decrease your calorie intake if you consume more fiber-rich foods. Fiber-rich foods are also usually more filling. These foods require more chewing, which is why you feel fuller after you eat foods like these. Fruits, barley, beans, and oats are examples of foods that are filled with fiber.
Perform High-Intensity Workouts
You may not need to exercise more in order to lose weight. In fact, you can get more out of your work out if you perform high-intensity interval training. This is a method of training that involves alternating high-intensity exercise with a recovery period. You simply perform a lighter exercise during the recovery period and pump up your reps and intensity to boost cardio and strength training. High-intensity interval training is effective because it not only helps you burn more calories during your workouts, but it can also raise your resting metabolic rate. Don’t forget supplementing with vitamins and post-workout nutrition. ASEA Science has a supplement that can help increase your energy so you get more out of your workouts.
Drink Up
The beverages you drink can have a positive or negative effect on your weight depending on their content. Water is the best drink you can consume when trying to lose weight and you can add flavor to it by adding a lemon slice or orange slice if you don’t love plain water. Sugary beverages and sodas should be avoided because they can cause you to gain. You will also need to limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol. These beverages can cause you to dehydrate more quickly because they are natural diuretics.
Reduce Your Stress
If you are eating healthy, exercising, and still struggling to lose weight, then your body may be holding on to extra weight due to stress. When you are stressed, your body secretes a hormone called cortisol which causes your body to accumulate extra fat and hold onto the fat that you already have. Take a look at your schedule since too many activities in a day can be a big stressor in everyday life.
Exercising is one of the ways that you can reduce your stress, as well as using down time for activities like yoga, stretching, or meditation. Simply taking some deep breaths when you are feeling stressed can help to slow the heart rate and calm you down.
Exercising is one of the ways that you can reduce your stress, as well as using down time for activities like yoga, stretching, or meditation. Simply taking some deep breaths when you are feeling stressed can help to slow the heart rate and calm you down.
Prioritize Sleep
A lack of sleep is something else that can contribute to weight gain, or make it harder for you to lose weight. Sleep deprivation interferes with the hormones that control appetite and you are more likely to overeat if you are sleep-deprived. The lack of sleep can also cause you to crave unhealthy foods. This is why you should strive to get at least six hours of sleep per night. If you go to bed and get around the same time every night, it will be easier for you to get the recommended amount of sleep and help to stick to a schedule. You may also want to stop using electronics a few hours before you go to bed.
Many of us struggle to lose weight. Fortunately, you can make just a few lifestyle changes that will increase your chances of reaching your goal weight.
About the Author
Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most her time hiking, biking and gardening. For more information contact Brooke via Twitter@BrookeChaplan
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