The Skinny on Sustained Weight Loss
In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Dr. Eddie Fatakhov and he shares the skinny on sustainable weight loss.
- …why fad diets just don’t work
- …how you can lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle
- … and 5 easy things you can do right now to boost your metabolism and improve your healt
Also Jessica Bailey is back to share a tip on helping you get more from your push-ups in this week’s Sassy Girl Exercise Tune-up.
call the show: 207-370-9797
Check out this episode!
About Dr. Fatakhov
As a physician, he is very familiar with the obesity epidemic that is facing this country. Daily, he guides his patients to healthier lifestyle choices, which help prevent disease and improve the overall quality of their lives.
Show Notes
[4:46] Background
Can you give us a background and how you became so passionate about helping people manage their weight?
I was obese as a teenager. After breaking my arm I decided to go the gym and that’s where I started getting interested in working out and dieting.
I became a personal trainer a nutritionist and then went to med school and became a physician. I believe this give me a unique perspective in order to help people.
[6:45] Misconceptions
What are some of the common misconceptions that you hear from people?
The biggest misconception is that people feel that a diet is short term. People need to think about it as a lifestyle. A lot of people who “diet” skip breakfast, then binge eat at night, which is exactly what sumo wrestlers do.
Watch skinny people, what are they doing? They are always eating. I tell people eat six times a day. Three meals and three healthy snacks.
[10:10] Biggest Struggle to Give up
What are some of the things that people really struggle to give up?
It’s very hard for people to give up sugar and sugary stuff. Moderation is key to healthy weight loss.
What you really want is a long term solution. Those fad diets don’t do it. The only thing that really works is moderation.
[13:27] Psychological Challenges
You see people make a big change, lose a lot of weight but then they slowly, overtime go back to where they were. Is there something psychological going on there?
Hormonal changes and psychological changes can impact the long term success of people who lose a lot of weight. Exercise is also important to help maintain that new weight.
When you lose the weight to quickly you body hasn’t had the chance to adjust to it and your hormone levels change and you gain all the weight back.
You can’t live on something like Paleo or Atkins for the rest of your life. Having that much protein is not good for you. 60 – 80% of the diet is protein and that just isn’t healthy for you.
Paleo man did not live that long. Also everything then was all natural. However the Paleo is still better than the Standard American Diet (SAD). Almost anything is better than SAD.
[17:35] Processed Food
It’s really hard to avoid processed food all together.
It is hard. People live in a fast paced world. There are not always enough hours in the day to cook for yourself so in my book I added weight watchers meals and lean cuisines.
Diet dressing and salad dressing really fool people. Some of these dressings are 1000 calories. Your salad is about the same as a Big Mac at that point.
You need 1200 calories a day. Some of these diets that claim you should eat 800 or 500 calories a day are simply depriving your body of the nutrients it needs. These are dangerous plans and unless these are being monitored by a health professional you should not be attempting that.
[23:23] Dr. Eddie Fatakhov’s Book
You have a book and a program, is that right?
I don’t like the word diet, it’s a program or a lifestyle. That’s more accurate.
[27:15] How do we get a copy of your book?
Amazon or go to my site. I’m coming out with an audio book too. We self published the book and we’re really doing it to help people.
[29:55] Five Things You Can do
Five simple things you can do to maintain a healthy weight.
1 – Eat breakfast
2 – Eat six meals a day, three main meals and three snacks
3 – Physical activity helps maintain weight loss
4 – Be spiritual – Be Happy
5- Get enough good quality sleep
Sassy Girl Exercise Tune – Up
The Push -up and your head position
Often I see people who look down at their feet or they let their head drop while doing a push-up. You’re putting to much stress on your neck. Don’t look to far out either. Keep your head in a neutral position in line with your spine.
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