Winter Kids and The Downhill 24

Encouraging Winter Fun

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Zander Stearns about the Winter Kids organization and an exciting fund raising event that has skiers and riders doing what they love for 24 hours straight!

On Today’s show you’ll discover…

  • …a great organization dedicated to keeping kids active in the winter;
  • …a unique fundraising event where teams use skis, snowboards and coffee to compete around the clock
  • … how you can get involved.  

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About Zander Stearns

Pinkham Notch

Steve and Zander at Pinkham Notch NH

So my VERY special guest today is my son Zander Stearns. Zander is an avid outdoor sports enthusiast, in fact if it requires a board he does it…from skateboarding, to wakeboarding, to snowboarding…. he’s always outside staying active and having fun. Zander is on the Long’s Board Shop team and is going to be riding for 24 hours in the Winter Kids Downhill 24 event at Sugarloaf Mountain Maine in March.

3:26 What is Winter Kids all about?

It’s a group that helps kids develop healthy, fun lifelong habits by getting outside in the winter.

3:55 What sort of activities do they promote?

The idea is to get kids outside doing things like sledding, skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, just being active in the snow. For example a few weekends ago Winter Kids held an event in Portland they had all kinds of fun things going on like sledding, rafting on snow, they even had a nice snow boarding park set up.

Just to show how diverse you can be outside in the winter they even lead a Zumba class in the snow!

5:22 It makes the winter more fun when you having something to do outside doesn’t it?

Absolutely,it seems a lot less gloomy when you can get outside and not stay stuck in doors.

5:58 Talk about how you’re raising money for Winter Kids?

The Long’s Board Shop snowboard team is participating in the Downhill 24 at Sugarloaf Mountain in March to help raise money for the Winter Kids organization. The goal is to have at least one member on the slopes for the entire 24 hours.

Dad: “You’re wearing helmet right?”

Zander: “Oh yes, I always do!”

Riding for 24 hours requires naps and good hydration! It’s easy to forget to stay hydrated when you’re out in the cold but it’s a very important part of any sport.

7:27 When is Downhill 24 being held?

It’s March 11th at Sugarloaf Mountain. We’re hoping for some warm, spring skiing conditions.

9:54 Is the Downhill 24 new?

They’ve been doing it for a few years and in the first three years that they’ve held the event they raised $165,000.00 for the Winter Kids program.

10:15 How does the Winter Kids program use the money that’s raised?

They use it for tickets, equipment and transportation. It’s all about getting kids from towns in Maine that don’t have skiing at their front door to the mountain and back. When you’re out playing in the snow you have to have the right equipment so the program helps ensure kids have fun and that they are safe.

11:06 How big is the Winter Kids program?

Just last winter, the program reached at least 21,000 kids in Maine.

12:34 How do you sign up if you want to participate in the Downhill 24?

Participate in the Downhill 24

Donate and Sponsor Zander, Long’s Board Shop and Winter Kids!


When you donate it helps Winter Kids and supports the work they are doing for Maine children.

Funky Fitness Now

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