How to Train for a 5K Run

Tips on How to Train for a 5K Run

Peopl want to know how to train for a 5k run.In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast Dr. Eddie Fatakhov shares tips and helps you discover how to train for a 5K run.

On Today’s show you’ll discover…

  • …strategies and motivation for a 5K or 10K run;
  • …the best training methods and tips to get your body ready to run;
  • …what to eat to fuel your 5K or 10K success.

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About Dr. Eddie

Dr FatakhovDr. Eddie Fatakhov is a co-author of The Doctors’ Clinic-30 Program and a member of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians. Dr.Eddie is an expert in the field of nutrition and weight loss. He’s worked as a certified personal trainer, nutritionist;  and helped his clients lose weight by creating individualized exercise routines and meal plans.

As a physician, he is very familiar with the obesity epidemic that is facing this country. Daily, he guides his patients to healthier lifestyle choices, which help prevent disease and improve the overall quality of their lives.

How to Train for a 5K Run

  1. The first step is to sign-up. Signing up gives you a goal and motivates you to get started.


  2. Get a check up. Even if you’re fit check with your Doctor to be sure everything’s looking good before you start training.

  3. Have a support network. Signing up with a friend or family member is a great way to share the experience and keep each other motivated.

  4. Pick your rest day. An important element of knowing how to train for a 5k Run is to pick a rest day. Dr. Eddie recommends if your race is held on a Saturday, using Friday and Sunday as rest days. That way your body gets used to it and is ready to go on race day! Resting just means giving your running muscles a break. Other activities on rest day are perfectly fine and encouraged.

  5. Know your body type and give yourself time to prepare. You are either an ectomorphendomorph ormesomorph and knowing your body type can help you determine how much preparation you’ll need to get ready. At least 6 weeks is a good starting point so that you have time to get your body adjusted to the idea of running a sustained distance like a 5K or 10K.

  6. Start with interval training. If you haven’t run before or it’s been awhile a walk, run, walk method of building up your bodies ability for sustained running is a good strategy.

  7. Include weight training in your 5K preparation plan.

  8. Train for a distance longer than you plan to run. That way, on race day, the distance will be easier. It’s all about headroom (you musicians know what I’m talking about).

  9. Stay Hydrated! Staying hydrated, before, during and after the race is critical for preparation, race performance and recovery.

  10. Keep it Familiar. Don’t eat something new or get new shoes for the race. Do what you’ve been doing. The last thing you want is something brand new and unexpected to deal with on race day.


  • Keep a diary to record what you eat, how you trained and what to expect so you’re even more prepared for your next race.

  • Warm up using dynamic stretching.

  • Pace yourself with a goal of finishing.

  • Wear sunscreen, hats and stay sun safe.

More From Dr. Eddie

The Skinny on Sustainable Weight Loss

6 Tips to Aid in Weight Loss and Prevent the Sumo Wrestler Look

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Get The Doctor’s Clinic-30 Program


Find a Race Near You at Runner’s World

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