In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast we’re going to look at How To Deal with Dangerous Dogs and in the Outside Weightloss Segment we’ll learn about a simple food you probably have in your fridge right now that can help reduce your daily calories, get healthy and lose some of those unwanted pounds. [spp-player] [adrotate banner="13"][adrotate banner="12"] [wptab name='Dangerous Dogs'] There you are out for your morning run,bike or walk...and you're coming up on that house. You know the're always nervous about going by. You never know if today the dog is out or in and if he is out will he be loose? You know someday he's going to be loose and you'll have to deal with him but how? What is the best way to defend yourself or better yet, avoid an attack all together? Well that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today...what’s the best way to deal with an aggressive dog when you’re out exercising? Dog Attacks The ...