7 Myths About Clean Eating, Busted

I am currently one week through a 28 day clean eating program. I have been so surprised within the first seven days, not only about the benefits I'm experiencing but how wrong I was about clean eating before I started. Here are 7 myths I believed about clean eating which just aren't true. Myth 1: I Already Eat Clean Before I started the program, I would have told you "I already eat clean". I think it's common for all of us to feel like we're eating well. I mean salads for lunch, no dairy (well except for the occasional cheese stick and yogurt), no read meat (well once in awhile) and no processed food (well yeah a sports bar ever once in awhile). Well, for the past seven days I've cut out breads, all dairy, coffee, alcohol and sugar and guess what? I feel incredible. If you feel you're already eating clean you might be fooling yourself. The best way to really be sure is to track yourself for a week and really take a close look at what you...