
Showing posts from October, 2014

How to Encourage Your Kids to Eat Better

By Sarah Juzar Establishing Healthy Habits If you have kids in your house, you're most likely all to familiar with requests for junk food. Treats like candies, chips, burgers and sodas re just some of the favorites you might hear requests for. Some kids just cannot get enough of these things, and as concerned adults, we tell them not to ruin their appetites. But saying no to junk food and eating healthy is more than preserving your appetite. Healthy eating is important for growth, learning and so much more in children. For many kids eating a well balanced and healthy diet begins with parents teaching and establishing habits to include healthy foods containing plenty of nutrients. It's important to know about vital nutrients and why being nutrient deficient is especially harmful for kids. Junk food becomes a lot more common during the summer but is something to watch out for year round. Most junk foods don't contain enough of the following vital nutrients to help ensure opti...

Funky Fitness Fact or Fiction Part 1

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I am psyched to have my good friend Jessica Bailey back on the show. Today we unravel the truth about some of the more common fitness beliefs out there and we answer the question fitness fact or fiction? Jessica and I  tackle some of the most common facts that sound like fiction and common fiction that sound like facts from the world of fitness. On today’s show we’ll answer the question Fitness Fact or Fiction about... ...crunches, marathons, stretching, hydration, strength training and more.... Call the show: 207-370-9797 Support Outside Health and Fitness Check out this episode!

Tabata HIIT Routines

What is Tabata? HIIT routines and specifically TABATA routines are a proven way to maximize your workout time. Find out how it works, and just how flexible this training method can be for busy people!

6 Power Foods For Runners And Joggers

By Erik Smith Be a Successful Runner Being a runner requires not only passion, but stamina, muscles and determination. Running is a very athletic routine that requires training and programming. Some people think that they can run like other athletes by working out daily. In order to be a fit and successful runner, one must have a good sleeping cycle and regular workout sessions. It is also important to eat the right kinds of food to develop muscles and have enough energy. In this article are some of the best foods that can be eaten by runners and aspiring runners to stay fit and healthy. Tips When Finding Good Food Sources Many believe that they will get leaner faster if they don't eat much. The truth is, for one to develop muscles fast, it is essential to eat real foodstuffs. Avoid artificial goods and stick to naturally-produced products. They have lesser preservatives and have more nutrients that are needed by the body. Eggs Eggs are often blamed for their high-caloric level but...

Breast Cancer Family History - Are You at Higher Risk?

listen to ‘Breast Cancer Family History - Are You at Higher Risk?’ on audioBoom


In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I am honored to have Ari Zandman – Zeman from Rubber Banditz on the show. Ari has an amazing background and has put together an innovative, effective and dynamic system for using resistance band exercises to get a total body workout no matter where you are. Call the show: 207-370-9797 Support Outside Health and Fitness Full Show Notes Check out this episode!

Easily Create Your Own Healthy Vitamin Water

By Chelsea Sawyer A lot of folks nowadays are making changes to improve their health; some efforts are subtle, and then there are those which are big, drastic changes prompted by the seriousness of looming health risks. But both small and huge efforts can go a long way in strengthening the body and its natural defenses. Drink More Water One of the easiest things that a person can do to improve their health is to drink more water. Water is perfect for detoxification, and although it’s devoid of essential nutrients, it’s an element that effectively supports body functioning. Go without water for a day or two and vital organs (kidneys) can shut down, which then can lead to extreme pain and permanent damages. So drink lots of water because not only is it refreshing, but it truly does benefit the body in a multitude of ways. But if you find water a boring choice of beverage, you do not always need to take it in its plain form. Nope, you don’t need to add concentrated juice mixes to it (whic...

Breast Cancer - Are Men at Risk Too?

listen to ‘Breast Cancer - Are Men at Risk Too?’ on audioBoom

How to be Earth Friendly, Active and Community Minded

Earth Friendly Activewear In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I am excited to have Jeremy Litchfield from Atayne on the show. Jeremy started attain to provide safe and environmentally friendly activewear for endurance athletes. On today’s show you’ll learn… why many of the fabrics we wear when we work out are working against our health; how to be earth friendly, do something good for your health, and support your favorite cause all at the same time….and….. …a really simple thing you can do to make a difference next time your out for you next run. Call the Show! 1-207-370-9797 Support Outside Health and Fitness Get  Full Show Notes Check out this episode!

Trash Running

listen to ‘Trash Running’ on audioBoom

Breast Cancer and Deodorant - Should you be concerned?

listen to ‘Breast Cancer and Deodorant - Should you be concerned?’ on audioBoom

The Modern Paleo Diet

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I am honored to welcome Wendy Myers to the show. Wendy is a certified holistic health coach and founder of live to 110. She is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle through proper diet and exercise. Today, Wendy and I talk about the Modern Paleo Diet. On today’s show you’ll learn... ... how some diets can cause dangerous imbalances in our bodies; living “Paleo” means more than just what you eat; ... and you'll discover the missing link to total health that many people simple don't include in their overall health plan. Call the Show! 1-207-370-9797 Support Outside Health and Fitness For full show notes visit Check out this episode!

The Modern Paleo Lifestyle

Living Paleo In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I am honored to welcome Wendy Myers to the show. Wendy is a certified holistic health coach and founder of live to 110. She is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle through proper diet and exercise. Today, Wendy and I talk about the Modern Paleo Diet.