Natural Hydration for Outside Fitness
In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast we're talking about hydration and how important it is to stay hydrated when we’re working out. We’ll look at some excellent natural drink and food options for staying hydrated. In the Wayoutside Segment we’ll look at a fresh new way to do Yoga on the water, we’ll learn about a simple easy change we can make to drop some unwanted weight in the Outside Weight Loss segment. Finally I’ll leave you with a fitness challenge to keep you focused and motivated this week. [spp-player] [adrotate banner="13"][adrotate banner="12"] [wptab name='Hydration'] The Importance of Staying Properly Hydrated [caption id="attachment_4274" align="alignleft" width="300"] Image courtesy of mikumistock /[/caption] So on Wed I went for a quick little trail run after work. Nothing too extreme but it was hot out. I felt pretty good, got back to the car and drove home. On the...